Attached to the underside of his jaw was a piece of metal extending around his head like the absolute bottom of a biker's helmet. Wrapped around his cloak were two pouches seemingly the only form of storage on his person? Perhaps more is at work regarding storage for his inventory.
Peering through his hair was two soul piercing yellow eyes followed by a stare much resembling a black wolf's in regards that both it and this young man as well was a predator.
His voice sounded like a teenager around sixteen making his age seem less like twenty.
Starting off with a black pair of overly baggy jeans followed by a pair of boots closely resembling high-top trainers.The shirt underneath his coat happening to be the simplest of all his clothing was a black muscle tight tank top.The coat that stuck out more than everything, but his metal arm, resembled a long cloak and jacket which reached down just above the back of his knees.The coat happened to bear two symbols, one resembling a heart and the other a gear split in half making an s in the middle. Following underneath the thing around his head was a leather material resembling muscle sinew colored black and red covering his neck and chest underneath the tank-top and his left arm as well.
His hair was more or less normal in regards to color being as dark as night, however it was unreasonably spiky being pointed towards his right side partially covering his face
Erebos at first glance resembles young man around his early twenties whom standing at around 5'3" to 5'4". He is of a normal build with an athletic tone to him, if you ever happen to see him unclothed.However it seems his right arm was missing something, the meat and flesh part ended at his elbow whilst the rest was an odd assortment of metal parts, which in modern times would resemble a car engine.